Winter is the time of year when temperatures drop and each of us wants to feel warm. The comfortable room temperature during the winter season is foreseen to be 18 to 21 degrees.
- Keep your radiators or heaters at a constant temperature and do not use them in rooms or offices that you do not use.
- Make sure that the boiler in your home is not too old and that it is functional and in order. To use the boiler as rationally as possible, adjust the thermostat to a temperature between 50 ° C - 55 ° C.
- Use natural sunlight to heat your room and office whenever possible. To maintain that heat, loosen the curtains.
- Keep the doors of your room or office closed for extra insulation and heat storage.
- Using storage heaters and radiators rationally. During the winter they consume about 60% of the total household electricity.
- If you are not at home or office for a few days, turn off the thermos and radiators.
- If you set the thermostat a little lower than usual, then you will save about 10% of costs.
- Before going to bed, lower the temperature of the thermostat, because it is healthier and you will save electricity.