The old network, low low-voltage, electric poles will no longer pose a problem for the residents of the village of Komogllavë in Ferizaj, which is considered one of the largest villages in Kosovo for its vast area.

With the works on the energy network in the low and medium voltage, which have already reached the final stage, the energy capacities in these parts will increase and all the needs of the residents will be met.

KEDS has installed two transformers here, one with a capacity of 400 kVA, and the other with 160 KVA, a transformer pole and many concrete poles and thousands of meters of electric cables.

Over 150 thousand euros is calculated to be the cost of this project, where 180 consumers will be the beneficiaries, but also many other consumers of the surrounding villages will indirectly be benefiting from.

The residents of this area are happy with this change and, thank KEDS for the work done here.

Enver Salihu, from the Tafali neighborhood, says that there has been no investment in the energy network here for 60 years. "Electricity is a basic need and we are already happy about the good things that are coming our way. We are grateful to the KEDS company", says Salihu.

KEDS continues to invest according to the planned development plan in the distribution network for all consumers throughout the country.

KEDS continues to invest according to its development plan in the distribution network, benefiting consumers nationwide. In its 10 years of operation, the company has invested over 216 million euros across the country to improve the electricity distribution network. These investments are ongoing into the 11th year to provide consumers with the most qualitative and safe services possible.