Kosovo Electricity Distribution Company-KEDS, has completely digitalized the Medium Voltage electricity network. The work for the digitalization of all substations (69 substations in total), has lasted three years with the SCADA system and now this digitalization will provide real-time information for each occurence in the electricity network.

The SCADA system controls and visualizes the electricity distribution system, where any connection or disconnection of feeders will be done remotely through this system.

According to the Communications Officer at KEDS, Adlum Ramadani, this investment has automated substations and as a result has increased the efficiency of operations.

"During these last three years, KEDS has invested heavily in the digitalization and modernization of the electricity network in the country through the SCADA system. So, this system makes it able to monitor and control the entire power system at the national level, which means that the data and information that occur in the field are received in real time in this dispatch centre which information are then transferred to field teams, thus enabling faster field intervention and enabling better quality services for our customers. Through this investment, a total of 69 substations have been digitized and modernized in Kosovo level, so the entire level of medium voltage has been digitized or automated, which will directly affect in more quality services for our customers” , he said.

He said that through the SCADA system, KEDS has managed to significantly improve the service in relation to customers, as now the duration of electricity interruptions has already been shortened.

"Through this system, which is one of the most advanced systems in terms of monitoring and control of the system remotely, it has been possible for KEDS to significantly improve the service in relation to customers, as information which is received in real time from the field to the same are processed and opportunities are provided to create internal analyses and then to plan investments, thus enabling the duration of outages to be as short as possible and consumers to be affected as little as possible in case of a field breakdown ", he said .

Ramadani said that KEDS aims to include as large network as possible in the digitalization process in the near future.

"KEDS aims to include a large number or percentage of the network in the digitalization process. Now, in addition to the inclusion of medium voltage in the SCADA system, is expected to soon begin the framing of low voltage distribution plants, which directly affect the customer," he said.

KEDS has started the digitalization of substations with the Scada system in year 2018. Now all substations have integrated this system through which the control and visualization of the electricity distribution system is done. So, any connection or disconnection of feeders will be done remotely through this system, whenever the need arises. This is also the intention of KEDS, that the distribution network belongs to the latest technology, therefore with the installation of the Scada system and many other projects during these 7 years, KEDS is fulfilling its commitment to provide modern services to its customers.