KEDS & KESCO have started preparations for the integration of one of the most powerful systems of our time in terms of enterprise software - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems. This is an all-embracing project that integrates various functions of an enterprise into a single system.

Cooperation with SAP, which is one of the world's leading manufacturers of software for managing business processes, is our next step in terms of digitalization, through the ERP system created by this manufacturer.

The solutions provided by ERP will automate and simplify all processes by reducing manual efforts. In addition, it will increase accuracy and reduce errors, providing real data and analytics in record time. This system will significantly affect better services to our customers, in providing quick solutions to questions or other issues raised by them.

Furthermore, through this system, we aim to increase transparency, productivity, and efficiency in all company processes, these being parameters that will increase sustainability in all operational chains.

KEDS and KESCO continue to follow the latest trends in technology developments, providing support for our employees but also providing more quality services to consumers.