There have been drastic changes in the weather during these recent days, where low temperatures have made customers use electricity for heating. As a result, network overloads and overheating of assets have been caused, thus jeopardizing a stable electricity supply.

KEDS over the years has continuously invested in network modernization and maintenance, expanding supply lines and strengthening the current ones. But, the current demand exceeds the design of the electricity network in some localities. This is because the transformation of electricity into thermal energy is a violent process and no electricity network is intended for heating.

In these situations, in order to have the best possible supply and for the network to easily resist the load, we appeal for maximum energy savings. In places where it is possible, customers should use alternative forms for heating, as it would greatly facilitate the normal operation of the network. At the same time, the mobilization of KEDS is maximal so that any unexpected eventual situation is avoided as soon as it happens.